
CWSAN offer a range of services in support of the network’s local community. In line with CWSAN aims, we strive to contribute to an improved quality of life for all people of the area through the promotion of education, better communication and support of local community groups. CWSAN is developing this through an effective networking organisation of community groups and partnerships.

Membership to CWSAN will allow groups to receive up to date information and invitation to
networking activities organised by the Network. CWSAN publishes a regular newsletter, ‘CWSAN News’, which focuses on rural issues, community news in the area and focuses on the funding environment. Affiliated groups are entitled to discount on photocopying and faxing charges and free access to equipment.

The annual fee for full and associate membership is £20.00 which can be paid via BACS.

To Download a membership form, please click on the link below and return completed form to

Click link below for membership form

CWSAN Membership Form 2023-24 (2)

The main services CWSAN can offer are:

Assisting member groups

CWSAN provides support to new and existing member groups, aimed at developing their capacity and enhancing skills and knowledge. This comes in the form of provision of guidance, advice, training and assistance with funding applications. The network has also helped the groups source funding, clarified the role of various agencies, and is working with groups in an effort to put strategic development packages together, carrying out community audits and local needs analysis. Workshops and seminars are also organised to provide various training to members.

Networking and Partnership

The primary aim of CWSAN is to support local community development and to facilitate networking between groups in the area. Cross community and cross border visits have helped to embrace both communities and encourage to inclusion by bringing groups together through information and experience exchanges.

CWSAN is involved in a number of working partnerships that tackle issues such as the environment, transport and tourism. The formation of cluster groups to work on local newsletters, festivals, community tourism, youth issues etc. has helped to empower communities and sustain and improve the rural quality of life.


CWSAN has facilitated local consultation to provide groups with an opportunity to respond to emerging policies for development in Northern Ireland, Ireland & the UK. CWSAN has contributed to consultation exercises that have enabled the network to form part of RCN’s response to various documents such as ‘Shaping our Future’, ‘Fit for the Future’ and The Lough Neagh Management Strategy.

CWSAN has also undertaken several local studies, including baseline studies, training needs analyses, and prepared Community sector responses to local issues of concern.

Raising Public Awareness

CWSAN play an active role in raising the awareness of community activity in each target area. This has been achieved through promoting the work of the network, representation on wider projects and agencies, policy campaigning, consultation and development work with local groups.

Advice and Information Service

CWSAN acts as a key point of local contact for member groups, providing advice and information services. This is mainly achieved through regular mail–outs, newsletters and bulletins but also through having a resource of information available in our reference library.

Regular reports and meetings between CWSAN staff representative groups and members are essential tools for the dissemination of relevant and current information.

Efforts Towards Reconciliation

CWSAN aims to tackle social exclusion in the area. The network has focused on reconciliation and encouraging local groups to become inclusive and representative of the communities in their areas. To this end CWSAN has aims around low community infrastructure and particular programmes of activity.

Resources Provided

CWSAN provides an essential resource facility for member groups, which voluntary by nature, have few resources of their own, particularly in the early stages of their development. The range of resources include:
Photocopying Facilities

  • Faxing Service
  • Computer printing service
  • Binding and Laminating service
  • Short-term loan of audio visual equipment
  • Loan of Display Boards
  • Library of relevant literature, research and reports.
  • Use of ‘Funderfinder’ / ‘Grant-tracker’ database etc.
  • Membership