Since 2010 CWSAN has worked with the Public Health Agency to employ a community based Suicide Prevention Development Worker for the Mid Ulster Area. This Project is linked to the Northern Ireland wide Suicide Prevention Strategy Action Plan: Protect Life and its aim is to raise suicide awareness, reduce stigma, signpost local communities and increase community involvement in suicide prevention, bereavement support and self harm initiatives.
Through this project CWSAN are part of the NPLIG Partnership which is multi agency raising awareness of the support which is available locally to improve the mental health and wellbeing of individuals and communities.
A key part of this role is capacity building local communities to become more engaged in Suicide Prevention initiatives.
The project and the involvement of the communities in Suicide Prevention has also been externally evaluated by Mc Cready, Donnelly, Lowry Ltd. This evaluation was formally launched by the Public Health Agency in November 2012 at Greenmount College. Copies of this evaluation are available upon request at the CWSAN offices.
If you wish to avail of any of the aforementioned free suicide prevention training for your community please contact Denise.
SPD Project Officer Denise Doherty
T: 07540 969623 E: